Sunday, December 7, 2014

Hagane Rin by Metalmiku2

Yup, to continue with TDA theme… Only there aren’t many Hagane Rin models around, so it’d be a great release. Featuring the most realistic (and dangerously looking) horns so far. But the real killer (for me) is pistachio nail polish. Never thought pistachio nail polish could be SO devastating… :)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Gothic-style Hagane Miku

Managed to snatch it from TheLegendaryDarkrai dA account just hours before it was deleted. A lucky coincidence, eh? ;)

What strikes me most is how far YamiSweet (model's author) managed to walk away from TDA original. Little TDA-ness is left; and for Hagane personality, the fewer abhorrent TDA-ness the better :)