Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lily - Close to you

Well, post-hardcore again. Speaking of where post-hardcore is heading, I should suggest it turns subtler and even subtler. A road to nowhere... This all is going to end badly, mind you. By “badly” I mean some cloying sickening sugar syrup, some poor cousin of Katy Perry or Justin Bieber with *guitars*. “Oh, *guitars* are so trendy!”  Sigh…

So here we are: the song tops the Nicovideo’s Vocaloid ranking.

VMW knew better days except for the fact that only a month has passed since its start... Actually, the song isn’t *that* close to Justin Bieber (or Miley Cyrus, if you like her more). The popularity is explained mostly by the producer’s figure. Niki-san doesn’t show clear preferences between rock and dance-pop genres, enjoying the recognition of fans from both sides. Not to mention the fact that he is the most popular producer working with Lily. As for the current song, there’s not much to say. I’ll notice only Niki’s usual efforts to make Lily sound bearable enough fair. Why, his achievements with Lily are hard-earned :)


Nicovideo link:
MP3 download:

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