Monday, December 30, 2013

GUMI - Call my name

If you dealt with ‘experimental’ metal before, you might know that usually this word is a shy equivalent of ‘frustrating’. Or ‘mind-fucking’. Or, in some cases, ‘pathetic shit’… You may wonder why I’m telling you that. The context, guys, the context! So that when I present you the Odd Sun’s new work, “Call my name”, you already know that everything could be much worse ;)

Well, the song isn't *that* experimental, and this is good. Because it’s running right on the edge, dangerously close to falling into the mentioned above categories. And I have to admit this is quite an appealing run… Worth much more than marching like zombies on the mainstream highway. So, leaving the trolling aside, I believe Odd Sun’s done an impressive work. It looks even more impressive when we take into consideration the fact that it’s the first his attempt in the heavier music. I hope it isn’t the last.

Complicated, layered sound driven by blithe guitars is alternating with minimalistic parts where Gumi’s supposed to play key role. Coming back to that ‘experimental’ characteristic – there is a substantial contribution of vocal part to this mark. The vocals are a way unconventional, allowing to express finest emotional shades. Believe me, it’s hard to perform even for a flesh-and-blood singer. For Vocaloid programming, it’s a nightmare. Sadly, Gumi sounds here even bleaker than on average... Yet, with all that imperfections, “Call my name” remains a charming piece of a ballad.

Nicovideo link: 

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