Sunday, December 22, 2013

GUMI - Dead or Alive

When it comes to a nice metalcore, it never seems to be enough. Well, at least for me :) So, from that point of view, shiban’s new work is a little step from an ideal. Because in “Dead or Alive” juicy and swift metalcore riffs are watered down by more post-hardcore-ish lighter parts. But, despite this drawback feature, the song is undeniably good. The guys are skilled enough, just listen to the seamless guitar solo.

Gumi-chan certainly grabs attention here. For one, she sings extremely lively. But there’s also the video… MOCHACO has drawed Gumi in quite ambiguous way… Well, ‘ambiguous’ isn’t the right kind of word, ‘ecchi’ would better describe this. So yes, the video features quite pronounced Gumi’s cleavage. Again, ‘quite pronounced’ underestimates the situation. Let’s just call it ‘tits’. Even TITS. Yes, I like the sound of that. Tits & guitar. Horrible combination, if you ask my opininon. But in case if this very combination is one of your personal moe – well, enjoy, anon…

Nicovideo link:

Them. TITS. And a guitar. But who fucking cares about the guitar when there are…

Video’s art by MOCHACO

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