Sunday, December 29, 2013

Megurine Luka - I'm not alone

I think the brightest moment of the new Hyahyao’s song “I'm not alone” is it's beginning. Let’s say it’s rather promising beginning. Heavy metal turning into metalcore; harsh, rasping guitar sound, rigorous strokes of bass drums… Not that all of it vanishes as the song continues, no, but with the beginning like this you clearly understand that the guy has great potential.

And he hasn’t squeezed out the maximum from that potential. But don’t get me wrong, people. Hyahyao shows here well enough class to make the song great. “I'm not alone” is a distinctive step from the mainstream post-hardcore sound. It might not be a big step, but it clearly bears an author’s mark on it. And it never was an easy way.

Ah, almost forgot about Luka! Well, a nice chunk of lyrics is in English. And Luka’s Engrish is so… Engrish… So you have been warned :)

Nicovideo link:

After applying quite a powerful zoom we can argue that Luka IS present on the following picture:
Video’s art by Ameno.

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