Wednesday, January 8, 2014

GUMI & Hatsune Miku - Recall

A song from the Light side of the Force again. If you crave for something heavier, I have to remind you of Master Yoda’s words: “Patience you must have, my young padawan”. Well, in fact, Master had a low opinion on the Dark side:

Speaking of expensive hustlers, not a long time ago I was hanging in a bar… Huh? The song? What song? “Recall”? Ahh, yes, of course, the song, almost forgot about it… ;)  Well, the track, made by Aki-san, is an easy, vibrant and adorable piece of music, closer to rock’n’roll, but with its own distinctive mark. Everything is done masterly, especially the drums part. But what struck me most is Hatsune’s singing. Guys, I hadn’t believed my ears first! The chorus might be impaired by overpitching vocals up, but the verses are splendid. Gumi’s nice too, but I somehow get used to her fine vocals in other works. Miku, though, is a real shocker here.


Never, NEVER EVER try to do this with your iPhone. Most likely you’ll end up with splintered pen. The fuck with the pen, you could easily injure your hand.
...At least put on safety gloves.
Video’s art by Aizawa Cobalt.

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