“Naraku no hana” (“Hell Flower”) is a music piece originally produced by Nakazawa Tomoyuki as a theme for “Higurashi When They Cry” TV anime series. Back then “Naraku no hana” was sung by Shima Miyaeiko (who was also the author of the lyrics). Back then “Naraku no hana” lacked distorted lead and rhythm guitars, bass, and proper drums arrangement. And, of course, it lacked Miku. All of which means the song basically… sucked. Might explain 1.8 million views on this Youtube posting along. You know, good stuff never reaches such popularity.
Matsuyo added all the missing parts to the song – and, surprise, surprise! – it became decent enough! The overhaul was made for Nico’s Anime Song Cover Festival. The intro is kinda the tribute to the original work, but then neat (if a little casual) post-hardcore starts. Miku sounds pretty natural, but rather feeble. Like all that blood in the video (and video features nothing but BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!!!) was taken from the vocalist (hmm, do Vocaloids have blood?). At least, the video is truly mesmerizing.
Nicovideo link:
Nicoviewer link: http://nicoviewer.net/sm22632217
Video making. Photo from Matsuyo’s Twitter.
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