Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Megurine Luka - Utawa sete

Luka’s birthday’s coming… Technically, it’s already come in Japan while I’m typing this. But since I’m just a little over five thousand miles from there let’s keep some kind of astronomic accuracy ;) Tomorrow will be a busy day, Luka hints to me, and I can feel it now already… Well, “Utawa sete”, which I believe translates as “Let me sing”. Tomorrow will be your day, Luka, you’ll sing as much as you please… :)

Reon-san, the producer, has made this song as a sequel to his earlier work, “Motto utaitai”. But there is a clear difference between two works at least in terms of music style. When “Motto utaitai” is a classic HM/HR, with some ballad character, the new work is much closer to post-hardcore. Heavier, darker, with angry bursts of bass drums and sharp guitar riffs. The stark contrast is most evident in breakdowns. In both songs they are culminating moments. Yet in “Motto utaitai” it is classic bright and ‘soaring’ guitar solo, and in “Utawa sete” we listen to tense guitar patterns, first acoustic, then distorted, anxious and disquieting.

The only drawback here is Luka’s voice… But I believe there are people for whom the worse is actually the  better ;)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Megurine Luka, the master of cloaking :)

Video’s art by Nyakkun.

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