Friday, February 14, 2014

GUMI - Othello

Just when you think Okame-P cannot surprise you anymore, he comes and busts your attitude as a fucking penetration bomb. The producer’s turned to Gumi again after a pause. In my humble opinion, she sounds better than Miku in his hands... But I’d be very astonished if someone else got the opposite result :)

“Othello” is an awesome in its intensity piece of post-hardcore, fitting excellently into screamo subgenre. The title refers, at least in some moments, to the board game, but No_Ark (the author of the lyrics) has created dense and pretty complicated tangles of meanings. The music is based on the contrast of no less tangled, overloading parts with calmer melodic ones. Both sides are very impressive. One of the brightest things, at least for me – notably good quality of Gumi’s screaming.

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:
Lyrics (JP):

A board game, you say?.. 
Video’s art by Fujimaru.

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