Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hatsune Miku & Hakaine Maiko - Weaved shadow

An interesting piece by KoboP, some industrial/thrash-y metal. Maiko’s vocal has nice guttural hues here, a little closer to ‘death’ sound. Everything goes just fine until Miku steps in. And you just say: “Fuck”. Because, first, it’s Miku, second, it’s Engrish, and third, she’s squealing like before her very eyes a negi is being pushed into a waste disposal unit :) There are a lot of bands that use ‘beauty and the beast’ vocals arrange; here in “Weaved shadow” we have ‘siren and the beast’ ;)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link: http://nicoviewer.net/sm23018218
Lyrics: http://ameblo.jp/kobobobobo/entry-11787455784.html

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