Tuesday, April 1, 2014

GUMI & Hatsune Miku - Have a Nice Day

You don’t expect anything worthy from the songs with titles like *that* usually, but the fresh piece from Coralmines is rather interesting. The producer claims it to be progressive rock, but for me it sounds more like grunge, with some prog features here and there. Let’s be just: this is the first producer’s metal song, so there’s nothing wrong in slight genre uncertainties. I must say for the first work in this style it is very impressive! The sound quality is solid, with marked guitars’ character and lavish bass drums. The tempo is a bit slower than most progressive works, which gives additional weight and authenticity to the song.

The less astounding part is vocals. Despite both girls are English variants, their Engrish is sub-prime to say the least. Sad, because the producer has made quite elaborate melodic lines for vocals, fitting the high prog standards. The fine lyrics deserve better treatment too… :(

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link: http://nicoviewer.net/sm23223867

Two thousand years ago nude statues were the most common thing. Today nudity hides somewhere in deep and dark Internet burrows. What, you call this ‘progress’?.. ;)

Video’s art by Sainker-sama. (btw, what is Chinese for ‘sama’? ;) )

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