Friday, April 18, 2014

Hatsune Miku - Bless my collapsar

An interesting post-hardcore song by SILIUS. The producer works in electronic genres as well, and this influence is rather noticeable here. The music has some meditational mood, despite having all the genre features. Maybe it’s the tuning of Miku’s vocal which literally blends into palette of higher electronic sequences. Maybe it’s just weak guitars. I must admit, I hate when guitars lack proper amplifying! >:(  But that’s the only drawback of the song I can mention.

One of the strongest points of the work is the video, made by Cada Saki. It is much closer to the broader scene's traditions (and class) than to the vast majority of clumsy Nico animu footage. Well, of course, it’s underground, so don’t expect any revelations, but still I think it’s quite fitting. Another handy thing is that video has English subtitles so we know what Miku is singing about.

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

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