Monday, April 28, 2014

Hatsune Miku - Nuclear Warfare

I grumbled at Kurihara Genki last time. I demanded more power. Well, in case of “Nuclear Warfare” there is nothing to complaint of in that sense :) In fact, the song is formidable metalcore with deep resonant bass and evil guitars. Also, if you remember, previous Genki’s song featured the most adorable breakdown I’ve ever heard :) So again, breakdowns in “Nuclear Warafare” come as exactly opposite. Well yeah, they’re pretty aggressive but also pretty standard which is hardly a benefit. Though the finishing one is rather nice.

There are digitally distorted growling vocals but a certain doubt is gnawing me that these aren’t Miku’s. Well, if they are that would be great, but still, still… Anyway, Miku’s lighter part in the middle of the song sounds excellent.

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

After wandering a couple of weeks in nuclear wastelands Black Rock Shooter would’ve looked something like this:

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