Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hatsune Miku - Shigonosekai

An interesting piece by 417-san. The producer has been inactive for a loooooong time – the previous work was posted in 2011! So it is a comeback, and it is a damn great comeback!

The song has quite unusual sounding, with some roots in alternative rock. The bass line is no less but epic, especially the impressive bass guitar. The percussion is developed well enough too. With hollow echoing effects and supported only by bassu humming, Miku’s vocals are the leading part. Well, it hardly could be otherwise, because high pitching makes Miku a real challenge for those not accustomed to typical Vocaloid squealing :) Anyway, the melodies are splendid and are incorporated into the music with great skill.

But the music video deserves no less attention than the music itself. First, a few words on the character. 417 tells us it’s a sort of hybrid of Hatsune Miku and Kuuko, named (surprise, surprise!) Hatsune Mikuuko. If you don’t know who is Kuuko then you better stay unaware try to read this, understand everything from the first time and keep your sanity intact.

Actually, character’s background is hardly needed for watching, because the video is nothing else but SHAMELESS ONGOING FANSERVICE ONSLAUGHT. Yeah, I don’t remember anything even remotely as explicit as this ever been on VMW… Have never imagined VMW will turn into Miku’s tits content junkyard :)))

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Everyone knows nude Miku is better than Miku in some stupid native costume.

Video by 417.

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