Monday, April 7, 2014

Kasane Teto - in your dream

This is a track from the album “A World Of Impulse” which was released some three years ago. It is the only track there created by Yuuchan. The producer wasn’t much active on Vocaloid scene since 2011, and that’s sad, because Yuu clearly has a great potential…

“In your dream” is post-hardcore of excellent breed. It incorporates nearly every element of the genre. The guitars sound curt, they are tuned rather ‘dry’ for me. The guitars do the most of work here, the support from synths is not so pronounced.

There’s not much post-hardcore works with Teto, so her voice sounds rather fresh. Moreover, I must say the vocals fit rather nice the music. That would more than suffice for Teto, we can’t demand much of her ;)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Video’s art by Nijikan-han-okure.

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