Thursday, May 8, 2014

Megurine Luka - I am a N.E.E.T.

Two years ago Mr. 69P posted a couple of works (choose your fav: nu metal, screamo, deathcore), and showed what proper sound environment for Luka should be. Sadly, the producer kept a grave silence since then. We’ve already lost our last hope, but the MIRACLE has happened – 69P-sama is with us again, and his new song is no less fucking brilliant that the old ones!

Well, we’re facing some losses, of course. The song cries badly for re-mastering. It shouts it right in your ear! In fact, you have to have some decent audio equipment to squeeze the maximum from this sound mess, but damn! Even this way it sounds fantastic! A perfect storming screamo, raging and loud yet deeply emotional.

So Luka is a NEET despite she can make quite the different impression :) Oh yeah, and Yuyoyuppe’s song “I am a superman” comes to the mind quite naturally. Both songs has similar harsh sounding. Only ‘Yuppe’s piece has quite the opposite meaning :) So can 69P’s work be a kinda answer to Yuppe’s? ;)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

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