Monday, May 9, 2016

Kagamine Rin - stainless moon

A long time ago in a galaxy… :) I mean, some of you may even remember an old song with the same title, sung by Kamui Gakupo and released in summer 2009 when Vocaloids still were a thing. On Youtube it even scored 185,000 views which is not that bad. Despite its kinda rock-ish character, VMW doesn’t recommend it because it’s not br00tal enough it doesn’t pass our rigorous selecting criteria. Well, it seems after seven years an absolutely unrelated track by Kyokutan-P will finally eclipse its unworthy namesake!

'stainless moon' begins as a promising progressive metal, sadly,  Kyokutan-P drops the idea too early. Anyway, even without prog it is a fast, energetic breed showing fair diversity. Oh, and the track features one of the sexiest ride cymbals I’ve heard for a while :) Enjoy!

Nicovideo link:

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