Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sakura again - cover by Gahata Meiji

Just to balance things a little and to take an alternative point of view, here is another Eve’s song cover. Sakura again, a stunning chiptune/screamo cocktail, is a bit less renowned than ‘[L]una’ but hardly less appealing. And UTAU takes its turn now, no one else but VMW-affined Gahata Meiji (Meiji being ‘mage’ in Nippon; so naturally transforms to ‘witch’ ;) ).

The cover was made by Wacky for the 3rd UTAU works festival. Job well done! I must say Meiji’s clear and bright vocals can challenge Miku easily. Well, except for the extreme parts. I admit I adore shrills made by Eve, but here Meiji’s overcompressed noises are killing everything :) As for the usual ‘human vs software vocals’, the choice is yours to make. Needless to say, VMW made its choice a long time ago :)

Nicovideo link:

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