Monday, January 13, 2014

Hatsune Miku - Kyoushi to-raku shi

Wow, guys, a rare sight – Vocaloid black metal. Watch now, don’t miss you chance :) Well, “Kyoushi to-raku shi” is black metal indeed, sounding like something from the first half of 1990s. And yes, I mean mix quality as well. But who the fuck cares about sound quality when we have *true* Vocaloid black metal (and if I’ve braced ‘true’ with asterisks I should as well brace ‘Vocaloid’ with hearts, which I’m too timid to do yet. Thanks God ‘black metal’ doesn’t need bracing, for it speaks for itself). Thunderous guitars, forceful drums’ play – what more could we desire? Well, now I know one particular thing we could desire as well. The ‘thing’s name is Miku, and without her bright voice the song would definitely lose a great deal of its charm…

Nicovideo link:

The video features spinning Miku Hatsune. No, not 'rolling', but 'spinning'. Yes, there is a difference.
 Video by neko-tan.

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