Monday, January 13, 2014

Kagamine Rin - Horizon

An excellent, spirited and even touching song by Jan=Junkyard. For a debut work, it is amazing. “Horizon” is a light-hearted grunge, smooth and engaging. Jan-san has notable guitar skills. Drums parts are made with a great talent too. Still there is a little drawback: Rin sounds a bit muted, losing ground to the lead guitar. It seems that their frequency ranges overlap somehow, and lead guitar is loud here… Nevertheless, Rin tries to shock us with her outstanding abilities in Engrish. Fuck, Rin, c’mon… I mean I’m shocked, of course, but… ehh… just don’t… save our ears…

Nicovideo link:

Rin’s legs. Just Rin’s legs, period. Fuck, why am I keeping staring at this?.. :/

Video’s art by Yuki Hata-san.

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