Saturday, May 31, 2014

Megurine Luka - Haru shigure

An excellent HM/HR piece by SHINDEHAI (lyrics by (V)・∀・(V)-san). Great arrange with mighty guitars and a lot of attention to Luka’s vocals. The title translates as "Spring drizzle".

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Video’s art by (V)・∀・(V) as well.

MEIKO - Vermillion

Meiko-san isn't a frequent guest on VMW, so her songs are always welcomed! In this piece from Shikabane-P (aka Shohei) Meiko (V3) does nice dynamic hard rock. The instruments are too much synthetic in my opinion, but the composition and the vocalist are gross enough to overcome this little drawback.

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Meiko is gross…

Video’s art by Moge.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hatsune Miku - Towa no eikou

Wicked guitars and some Miku from Zeki Wozzeck.

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Gothic style suits Miku, isn’t it?
Video’s art by Yuji.

Tohoku Zunko - Often coating system

The title says it all. What’s with ‘it doesn’t make sense!’ If there isn’t any sense, what else do you want? :)


Nicovideo link:

Video’s art by Ocha.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hatsune Miku - Vampire

Freaking awesome old-school! The flawless mix of hard rock and art rock, with the sound from late 1970-s. Miku murmuring into the microphone is so stylish I desperately fell in love with this :)


Nicovideo link:

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kokone - resolution

Not three months has passed since the release, and Kokone-chan finally gets onto respected VMW pages :) So it’s a debut of Kokone on VMW as well as debut of Setsuma-P as Vocaloid producer. What can I say? Nice post-hardcore with lovely synthetics patterns and rather unpolished percussion part. The guitars are over-compressed a bit, but nobody seems to care about over-compression now anyway ;) The final is pretty dense.

Kokone sounds excellent... when she’s singing in Japanese. And Kokone Engrish is so fukken Engrish you might start pitying the poor girl… :)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Producer’s attempt at Engrish is rather more amusing :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Kagamine Rin - Mousou catastrophe

Is there something more adorable than metalcore with Rin? Well, if such things do exist in our bitter world, I haven’t heard of them yet. So enjoy – a pretty brutal piece by our old friend Kaito! Rin is unbeatable, especially when Kaito-san makes her squeal :) Kaito, I hope you don’t do to Rinny anything …eh… abusive, don’t you? ;)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Kawaii desu ne?

Video’s art by Yuki-no-Hai.

GUMI - One Side Lost

Excellent musicpiece from ninigi project! Bold and dynamic hard’n’heavy with some naughty metalcore accents. And Gumi to breath life into this. So don’t be fooled, nothing is lost here! :)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Video’s art by Maki.

Yamine Rei - the end

Slow and moody music by Haruki Kuroi. If I’m not mistaken, this is the first original song for Yamine Rei, though the voicebank was created more than a year ago…

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Minagoroshi no magic - cover by Michizane & Houshi

In the absence of new worthy works from Vocaloid producers, utaites step in to keep on the buzz. This is Utsu-P’s “Minagoroshi…”, sung by a classy duet. We’ve met with the guys once – when they covered “Baka wa anomaly ni akogareru”. So this time Michizane and Houshi rock again, with the former responsible for the great, ‘open’ and intense screaming, and the latter propping up the ‘clean’ parts.

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hatsune Miku - Farewell

A bright and light-hearted composition (especially compared with previous producer’s works featured on VMW) by Genki-P. Post-hardcore, a hint of djent sound, chilled guitars – nice impression. Miku-sama sounds amazing!

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Video’s art by chaostarou.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

IA - Heart Beat Magnum

Producers were unwilling to give us true and potent j-rock recently, so the fresh blockbuster from H’aven project (and Jiro personally) is quite timely. The style is much closer to hard rock, only ‘classic’ hard rock is not nearly as insane :) Vigorous guitars (lead by Pibo-san) and wonderful lively IA’s singing fit together perfectly. By the way, vocal part is rather complicated and could pose a challenge to a human vocalist :) Damn them robots! ;)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Video’s art by Kinokomesi.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hatsune Miku - Ecclesia

Just two weeks have passed, and we have an update from Okame-P. Well, the update we’re interested in, for he makes lighter stuff as well :) “Ecclesia” is firm Okame’s post-hardcore, smooth (as always) and tender (as usual).

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Video’s art by Ruuya.

Megurine Luka - Akatsuki no sora

Stylish and hulky industrial rock by Sweet Revenge. Luka sounds splendid.

There’s also a version with Ahirutama’s vocals.

The title translates as “Dawning sky”. By the way, the song with exactly the same title was created half a year ago by KingBack. Yeah, Luka sings it as well, but the style is heavy metal. Recommended.


Nicovideo link:

Hey, I’ve spotted a zebra!.. :)

Video’s art by Jinbee.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lily - Oboe

A masterful and soulful grunge from Reset. Lots of instrumental lines, complicated effects and excellent Lily’s vocals. She seems to be a little off the spotlight, but she rocks anyway!

The title translates as ‘remember’.


Nicovideo link:
MP3 download & Lyrics (JP):

Nice bra…

Video’s art by Amakura.

Hatsune Miku - Shadow of Smoke

Heavy metal with some inclusions from louder genres by Arai-san. Miku is jubilant like she’s won in a lottery 1’000’000 leeks :) No, seriously, I haven’t heard such a gleeful singing for quite a while!

Arai says the song is about a love to tobacco. He warns us that, you know, the song’s just the song, he doesn’t promote heavy smoking and stuff… Why, we definitely got the message, Arai – tobacco is bad, weed is much better ;)


Nicovideo link:

Miku is a well-mannered, respectful girl, isn’t she? ;)

Video’s art by Kurobuchi.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Minagoroshi no magic - bass tabs

Mr. Botan has made bass tabs for Utsu-P’s “Minagoroshi no magic”. 5 strings.

The download link in Power Tab Editor format:

Also, Botan has made a test run in front of the camera. You may find it interesting. Why, the solo with the pick held between his teeth deserves attention :) Because, fuck, where else should he put this fucking pick?! :)

Megurine Luka - x no senritsu

Speed metal from reon.

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Video’s art by Nyak-kun.

Monday, May 12, 2014

IA - Mokkore Hametarou

Power metal with IA, which isn’t very common, but is appreciative still. More ambiguous points start right from the title. So ‘mokkori’ means ‘erection’, and ‘Hametarou’ deserves a detailed explanation. Do you recognize the thing guy on the right?

 So yeah, its Hamtaro, a sickeningly kawaii hero of children manga that got an impressive success in Japan. But of course, in a country like Japan when a sickeningly kawaii children version exists, there also should be friggin’ pervert version for adults having problems with their sexuality model. So Hametarou emerged quite naturally except for there is nothing natural here, as a result of merging with the word ‘hamedori’ (‘gonzo’). You can watch the outcome in this video, for instance.

Given all the above, small wonder “Mokkore Hametaru” video’s art, finely drawn somewhere in MS Paint by Purukei-san himself, will likely make you feel even more sick than the kawaii original itself. I’m almost sure that was the producer’s intention :)

Oh, I need to tell a few words about music because SUDDENLY this is a blog dedicated to music not to some disgusting Japanese perversions. Well, the breakdown, sounding like it was taken right from some garage post-hardcore, is even less common in power metal than IA. But it suits nice too… Especially compared to how Hamtaro suits all this blasphemy ;)

Nicovideo link:

Youtube link: (Nico version is recommended because YT upload quality sucks) 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Homurane Ray & Zatsuon Maru & Kagekine Marie - Shuumatsu heroin

When I said it is very easy to surprise me it was sarcastic of course. The last time it was Yuyoyuppe who suddenly decided to improve vocals quality after five years of hard-working. Now it’s Kuriya-ni-energy-P with his dashing mix of UTAU stoner metal/punk metal. Fuck, guys, stoner fucking metal, 100% pure, I can’t believe it myself!

And, if you care for your eyes, don’t watch the video. Just don’t. There’s nothing to see there anyway.

'Shuumatsu' in the title translates as 'weekend'.

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

GUMI - Serenity

I can't say that the title says everything about the music, but it suits it undeniably. From tranquil piano intro to the final chords - the song keeps its distinct style. Yunyunsae-san has created compelling atmosphere, and Gumi is one of its key elements. This work is a remastered version of the song that Yun posted a year ago (with Luka’s vocals). Strangely enough, that version has vanished and cannot stand before our critical eye. My wild bet the reason is Yun’s ashamed how’s the old version sounds compared to the new :) Why, perfect always was the enemy of the good :)

The mixing is done by our old friend ensou.


Soundcloud link:

Video’s art by Kirby.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Megurine Luka - I am a N.E.E.T.

Two years ago Mr. 69P posted a couple of works (choose your fav: nu metal, screamo, deathcore), and showed what proper sound environment for Luka should be. Sadly, the producer kept a grave silence since then. We’ve already lost our last hope, but the MIRACLE has happened – 69P-sama is with us again, and his new song is no less fucking brilliant that the old ones!

Well, we’re facing some losses, of course. The song cries badly for re-mastering. It shouts it right in your ear! In fact, you have to have some decent audio equipment to squeeze the maximum from this sound mess, but damn! Even this way it sounds fantastic! A perfect storming screamo, raging and loud yet deeply emotional.

So Luka is a NEET despite she can make quite the different impression :) Oh yeah, and Yuyoyuppe’s song “I am a superman” comes to the mind quite naturally. Both songs has similar harsh sounding. Only ‘Yuppe’s piece has quite the opposite meaning :) So can 69P’s work be a kinda answer to Yuppe’s? ;)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Minagoroshi no magic - cover by Rima

Magic of bassacre :)
Boom! Boom!! BOOM!!!

Nicovideo link:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hatsune Miku - engraved bruize

90% of metalcore + 10% of picoreamo equals to 156% of pure fucking awesomeness. Yeah, this is the math for serious music ;) Lego-sama has released his next masterpiece. Not to mention he’d forgotten to tell Miku that in masterpieces you should work better on balancing the levels of vocal; the higher frequencies are so pushed that sometimes it sounds like Miku’s hissing :) Yeah, like a cobra feeling someone’s stepped on her tail. Though Miku would likely hiss as well if you stepped on her twintails except she won’t bite you. Or maybe she will ;)

I hope Miku isn’t offended by my suggestions, for the vocals part sounds great enough otherwise. The video (by Junto Kurokawa-sama) is made in best metalcore traditions and with a great skill. So if you’re still wondering where this 56% has come from, the answer is simple. Synergy. It makes wonders, guys ;)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

“...Just close my eyes”

Video’s art by mirimo.

MAIKA - La Partida; Calma

First Maika’s song on VMW. This is the entry by LIGHT&BITTER project for the current MAIKA Original Contest held by the software developer. I must say so far this is the most prominent song I’ve heard, so your support might be handy.

The style is closer to gothic rock with more traditional heavy flavor. Deep and rich sound with dramatic piano line (kudos to Mr. Lizts) is accompanied by excellent Maika’s vocals. She sounds impassioned, vivid and just gorgeous.


Nicovideo link:

Video’s art by Remo.

Tokyo Teddy Bear (Utsu-P ver.) - cover by Kubitami

Utsu-P’s remake of a renowned Neru’s song, from “VOCALOUD 01” compilation. Mr. Kubitami, armed with his 7-string Shecter Hellraiser and a surgical mask (WE ALL KNOW A MASK IS A KEY TO SUCCESS WHEN IT COMES TO COVERING), has done a neat cover of this great song!


Nicovideo link:

IA - Yaroujidai

An interesting sound from Babao. Plain 1980-s, british hardcore/post-punk, I was quite surprised! :) Some prog is present too. Of course it’s that prog, from that era… Can’t say whether living fans of this music still exist… ;)

The title translates as

Wait, wut?!

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

...Though the scene idols were a bit rougher back then :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

GUMI - Kazari

I feel overwhelmed. The sound flows through me like electricity through a wire. And I’m the happiest wire in a whole universe…

Fuck, guys, what are you doing to me?..

Bilibili link:

Video’s art by Yoisy.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Yuzuki Yukari - Distance

A beatiful song from Yokomin. A bit off his usual style, this sounds more like grunge but still keeps subtle post-hardcore flavor. Low tempo, deep and rich bassu, acoustic guitar and piano entwining melodies make this song distinct and soulful. No need to say Yukari’s vocals add to the sound perfectly, bringing the touch of magic that breathe true life into the work.

The song is from the upcoming Yokomin’s EP. The name isn’t yet defined. The album will be distributed on C86 Comiket event (sometime in August).

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Hagane Miku (M-type)

By I-Aria.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Mukuro Attack!! - cover by Kazuki

A great double cover – bass and solo guitars – by Kazuki-san. Bass part has certainly got more attention – in the footage, in mixing and in performing tricks :) Actually, if not the cute canary color, I wouldn’t have even spotted the second guitar :)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Hatsune Miku - Craspedia no yuuutsu

Another excellent work from Okame-P. Miku’s singing this time. V2, of course. I believe Okame is reluctant to upgrade to V3 because the vocal might lose, you know, his special sounding, melancholic and a bit distant. Or maybe he thinks that we, the fandom, do not deserve it. I hate to admit it, but we don’t deserve it indeed ;) Anyway, Okame’s ‘special sounding’ is present in “Craspedia...” in full strength, with slow and immersive tempo, lots of instrumental sequences and exquisite atmosphere. The piano part, well, isn’t challenging Muryoku-P yet, but it’s got dangerously close :) The really unexpected element for me was the breakdown, sounding sickly brutal in contrast with the main mood of the music.

Okame says that the song was inspired by the movie “A Beautiful Mind”. Also JFYI, craspedia is a kind of flower, native to Australia. And ‘yuuutsu’ means ‘depression’.

Oh, and good news: Okame-P has noted he’s working on a second LP!

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

The color scheme must’ve been chosen to match craspedia…

Video’s art by Ruuya.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lily - Guilty Blood

Great heavy metal piece from cross-san. The sound quality is excellent, and the drums are just awesome. Lily sounds unusually well too ;)

There’s also a version with live vocals. Cipher sings the song, and the timbre of her voice is very similar to that of Lily!

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link:

Video’s art by Chouya-sama.

Hakaine Maiko - Zanshu

48 seconds of extreme metal. For those who like it :)

Nicovideo link:

Nicoviewer link: